We are a group of motorcyclists with a passion for getting on our bikes and riding whenever we can. Our IAM trained observers form the core of RAMG and are available to ride with you, assess your ride and help you to achieve a high standard of roadcraft. Upon joining us you will be allocated an observer to help you work through the IAM Advanced Rider Course, leading to an advanced riding test on a variety of roads.

Mike Richardson - Chief Observer
I learnt to ride a motorcycle in 1970 and passed my test in 1973. I joined RAMG in 2007 and rapidly became a National Observer, I am also the Chief Observer, and an IAM Master. I currently ride a BMW S1000XR, with several other motorcycles in the garage.

Phil Edwards - National Observer
My affiliation with motorcycles started with a 125cc BSA Bantam that I bought for £8 in a box when I was 15. I passed my motorcycle test in 1977. Then the wilderness years that so many of us experience. Marriage, career, children etc, got in the way of biking. When the wisdom that comes with age (and several near misses) made me realise that if I didn’t improve my standard of riding I would soon become another “Born again Biker” statistic. I took the Warwickshire Constabulary’s “Bikesafe” course and realised I had a lot more to learn than I thought. Consequently I joined RAMG and commenced my advanced rider training. I now serve the Committee as Chair, and recently achieved IAM Masters.

Chris Higgs - National Observer
Chris joined RAMG in 2008, becoming an Observer in 2009, a National Observer and passing his Masters in 2014. Having achieved the National Diploma in advanced motorcycle instruction, Chris registered with the DVSA as a post-test trainer in 2015. He was trained to deliver the RiDE rehabilitation course and has assisted with the delivery of BikeSafe and Biker Down in the region. Chris achieved a Masters Distinction in 2017 and is also a DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme trainer (ERS).

Andy Jervis - National Observer
Took a CBT in December 2016 for a day out. One month later there’s a full A licence in my pocket and a Street Triple in the garage. Getting straight into further training had a huge impact on my riding and continues to take me to places I enjoy. I now ride blood bikes, head group social rides, train advanced riding skills and serve on the RAMG committee.

John Lewis - National Observer
I passed my direct access bike test back in 2003. After 5 years on a Kawasaki ER5 I brought my dream bike, a ZZR1400. It was a awesome bike and after taking a Bikesafe course in 2010 I realised I had so much more to learn. I joined RAMG in 2010 and after passing the advanced test I joined Severn Freewheelers Blood Bikes, I still ride for them now. I have been a local observer for 4 years and am currently working towards becoming a national observer.
Dave Banbery - Local Observer
Having ridden bikes since I was 11 yrs old, I progressed to cars as soon as I could, but bikes never really went away. Then at the age of 26 I was persuaded, against my better judgment at the time to go pillion with my work mate on his new Kawasaki Zephyr 1100.
It was then my original DSA instructor got me involved with the local Advanced Bike Group. I joined in January 1993 and I was allocated an Observer who lived local to me, we were out riding at every opportunity and I attended all the group rides arranged evenings and weekends. I had so much to learn and the improvement in my riding was incredible, my confidence just grew and grew.
I have recently passed as a Local Observer with the group and look forward to helping new associates on their journey through to passing their test and advanced riding. I know the training has saved my life on more than one occasion.

Andrew Beale - Trainee Local Observer
Relatively new to motorbikes, I passed my CBT and DAS in 2018. and wanted to continue my learning journey I joined RAMG as an associate in 2019, passing my advanced test early 2020. I am now a trainee local observer, eager to give something back to others. I currently ride a Honda VFR 800.

Kevin Pee - National Observer
I passed my bike test in 1993, rode as a fair weather rider until 2004 when I went to Scotland and realised you can ride in the wet. I passed my advanced test in 2011 and now ride all year. I recently became a local observer and also training to be a national observer.

Paul Hambleton - Local Observer
Riding for over twenty years, I have been in the IAM the last ten. Very much a Triumph man now on my third speed triple. (Although I have just ordered a Norton to help fill the garage). I especially enjoy the annual social trips, exploring Germany, France and Belgium to name a few.

Russell Lewis - Local Observer
I started riding off road at fourteen. First legal ride on the road at sixteen. Joined RAMG in 2009.
Gained a First Pass in 2012 and qualified as an observer, bike and car in 2019. Nuts about bolts, washers and anything mechanical.

Simon Towers - Local Observer
I’ve been riding some sort of motorbike since around the age of 9, competing in local School Boy scrambles on a Suzuki 125 that Dad built me. During the 80’s I rode a Montessa Cota and competed in trails events in Germany and continue my passion for off road riding today on a BMW GSA. When I’m not in a wood getting bruised and dirty, I can be found as part of the Observer Team training advanced riding skills to new members of RAMG and in any spare time ride a Blood Bike in the Worcestershire area.

Andrew MacDonald – Local Observer
Someone sat me on a BSA Bantam 175cc and sent me off round a field when I was about 11, how do I stop I said, just pull that lever there (the clutch) was the answer, you’ll be fine. A life long love affair with motorbikes was born. I had the obligatory moped (Suzuki AP50) then moved on to a Yamaha RD250 before taking my test at 20. I have owned various motorbikes over the years and now have a small collection. My main ride being a recently acquired BMW S1000XR.
Joining RAMG and passing my advanced test, then going on to become a Local Observer has been a great experience and has hugely improved my riding. I love it, just need to work out how I can fit more bikes into the garage! In my spare time I also ride for Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes.

David McAfee – Local Observer
It all started back in 1997, my first bike being a Suzuki 600 Bandit. I then moved onto a TL1000S, Aprilia Tuono and then a Triumph Explorer upon which I toured the UK from Land’s End to John O’Groats and large parts of northern Europe. I now ride the Big V-twin KTM 1290 Super Duke GT.
Joined RAMG in May 2019 after a chance meeting with a member whilst on a dog walk of all things, and was one of the best things I have ever done. I already thought I was an experienced rider but the advanced course has taught me things I had never considered before, vastly improving my safety skill set and that has to be a good thing. With the support of team members I passed my test within 6 months. Joining the course gave me the skills and confidence to be a safer rider. In turn, this gave me the opportunity and the taste to continue learning and passing on what I have learned as local observer.