Membership Subs are due at the end of March each year.

Membership subscriptions are now collected via the website. This speeds up the process and allows us to make sure that all of our members are kept up to date with RAMG events and activities.

If you have a PayPal account you can pay directly from it. Alternatively you may use a credit card to pay.

Please note that RAMG does not have access to credit card payment information and all transactions are carried out on a secure site.

The annual cost of RAMG membership is £15.00 if paid on or before 31st May 2022. After that date the price goes up to £20.00.

As a group affiliated to IAM RoadSmart, RAMG is required to comply with their rules including the Group Handbook & GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) policy. The Group Handbook requires that Group Members & Associates must hold membership of both IAM RoadSmart & the local group (RAMG). To renew your IAM membership please go to

Please click on the buy now button to pay.